Hazel, 9 days old
- At June 23, 2016
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Meet Hazel. I can’t get over her adorable smoochy lips! Perfect for giving her momma and dadda kisses 🙂 This beautiful little girl is sure to fill their hearts with many as she grows!
Willa – 5 days old
- At June 23, 2016
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Omg, I love this sweet baby girl in peach. Meet Willa. You can tell her big sisters are going to take really good care of her, can’t you? I’ve been photographing this family since their oldest was a baby. I love seeing their family grow 🙂
Cruz – 13 days old
- At May 12, 2016
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Meet Cruz, 13 days old. Isn’t he perfect? His older brother and sister were so sweet with him. It’s amazing catching a glimpse of the loving relationship developing between a new baby and his siblings.
Delaney, 12 days old
- At March 30, 2016
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Meet Delaney. Isn’t she beautiful? I adore her squishy cheeks 🙂 I photographed her twin cousins a couple of times and was extremely happy to meet her and her family. She is such a doll 🙂
Nina, 13 days old
- At October 26, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
A couple image from one of my limited mommy and me mini sessions. Beautiful Sil and her sweet little Nina. You can just feel the love 🙂
Ember, 10 days old
- At October 26, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Meet adorable little Ember. She was born at 6lb 12oz, and it is absolutely beautiful from her sweet little lips to her twinkly little toes.
Devin, 5 days old
- At October 26, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Meet adorably sweet little Devin. He is a mini version of his big sister Hadleigh, who I have been photographing since she was brand new. He is such a sweet little boy, and she loves to give her baby brother kisses on the head. He obviously likes it 🙂 I look forward to capturing him as he grows!
Maxim – One month old
- At October 23, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Every once in a while I get an older newborn in the studio. Clients contact me and ask if we can still take photos. Of course we can! I wouldn’t want you miss out on your photos just because you weren’t able to get in during the first two weeks 🙂 They typically stay awake, are more alert, and are less inclined to be posed, but we can still get some beautiful images of your little one! This here is Maxim, and he’s one month old. Isn’t he adorable?
Meet Catalina – 8 days old – Santa Clarita Newborn Photographer
- At August 19, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Beautiful little Catalina with her beautiful Momma. She is so cute and cuddly! I just can’t get over her squishy little cheeks 🙂
Sweet Siena, 9 days old – Santa Clarita Newborn Photographer
- At June 15, 2015
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Meet beautiful Siena, 9 days old. She is just too cute for words. Her big brother Theron was so sweet with her. You can tell, he already loves her to the moon and back!