Zara Newborn Session – Santa Clarita Newborn Photographer
- At September 26, 2018
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Meet Zara… isn’t she beautiful? I love this sleepy cap and those pouty lips! She has one lucky momma!
Mazen – Santa Clarita Newborn Photography
- At September 14, 2018
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Meet sweet little Mazen. I photographed his big brother, Maxim, when he was a newborn, so it was really fun to have them come in. Maxim has grown so much! And he’s such a sweet big brother. He really loved introducing his baby and wanted to kiss him over and over. It was adorable! And look at how cute Mazen is with all of that beautiful hair! I love it!
Damien Nursing Session – Santa Clarita Baby Photographer
- At September 13, 2018
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, breastsfeeding, Studio
Sometimes you just need someone to capture those intimate moments in life… fleeting moments you may not think to catch, but will treasure for always… especially once this stage is over. Love these photos of this gorgeous momma and her little nursling. #normalizebreastfeeding
Kesha Breastfeeding Session
- At September 13, 2018
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, breastsfeeding, Studio
There is no stronger bond than a baby has with his momma. The little boy is his momma’s greatest gift, she is his, and nursing is the greatest gift she can give him. These beautiful photos and this intimate moment inspired me to paint this for PPAs international photo competition – Life’s Greatest Gift.
Santa Clarita Newborn Photographer Named Bronze Medalist at International Photographic Competition 2018
- At September 12, 2018
- By farrahwelch
- In awards, corners, news
A while back, I posted that one of my photos had won second place in the children’s portrait category for the PPA Western District Competition. I couldn’t post the photo at the time, because it still had to be judged at international. Well, I can finally share the photo along with the results from The Professional Photographer’s of America 127th International Photo Competition!
This year I entered two separate cases– one into photographic open, which focuses on photography, and one into the artist competition, which focuses on the artistry and post-processing of the image. This was my second year for photographic open, and first year for artist. Each case has four entries. My photographic open case got a bronze medal, each of them going into the PPA General collection (each one of these earned a merit). One of the images in that case, Glee, is the one that got second place at districts and it will be published in this years PPA Showcase Book). From my artist case, two of my images were accepted into the loan collection after receiving very high scores (each earning two merits). Both of these will be published in this year’s PPA Loan Book. It was super exciting, and working on these images for competition really helps me to refine my craft and create better images for my clients!
Here is the official press release for my bronze case, and all the images!
Santa Clarita Photographer Named Bronze Medalist at International Photographic Competition 2018
Farrah Welch of Farrah Welch Photography is honored by peers and jurors for high-quality photography.
Santa Clarita, California – Farrah Welch of Farrah Welch Photography in Santa Clarita California was named a Bronze Medalist during Professional Photographers of America’s 2018 International Photographic Competition. Welch’s work will be on display at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 20-22, 2019. This International Photographic Exhibit is held in conjunction with Imaging USA, an annual convention and expo for professional photographers.
The level of the award is determined by how many of those four images receive the highest possible honor: acceptance into the PPA Loan Collection, which is displayed at photographic exhibitions, conventions and other photography events. Farrah Welch was named a Bronze Medalist by earning a merit—a mark of quality and honor—for each of the four images included in her entry case to the International Photographic Competition. This is the most prestigious competition of its kind, where images are judged based on a standard of artistic excellence. Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the largest international nonprofit association created by professional photographers, for professional photographers. Almost as long-lived as photography itself, PPA’s roots date back to 1869. It assists 30,000 members through protection, education and resources for their continued success.

IPC Bronze Medal

Second Place PPA Western District Competition 2018 – Children’s Portrait

Blue Without You – 127th Annual Exhibition – Loan Collection

Glee – Second Place in Children’s Portrait for PPA Western District Competition 2018; PPA 127th Annual Exhibition – General Collection, BRONZE Case