Oliver Cake Smash – Santa Clarita Cake Smash Photographer
- At June 30, 2017
- By farrahwelch
- In Cake Smash
Oliver came back for his cake smash, and how cute is he?! I loved seeing him a year later, and he looks so much like his baby cousin who I photographed too! Love this family 🙂
Claire, Santa Clarita Newborn Photographer – Farrah Welch
- At June 08, 2017
- By farrahwelch
- In Babies, newborn, Studio
Meet adorable little Claire! She’s such a sweetie! Look at that adorable smile and beautiful blonde hair!
Sofia, 3 weeks old – Santa Clarita Newborn Photography – Farrah Welch
- At May 30, 2017
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Beautiful Sofia… Her parents are in love with her… can’t you tell? And how could they not be? Look at that gorgeous head of hair! I just love photographing babies with hair 🙂 She looks so content in her momma’s arms.
Little Luke – Santa Clarita Newborn Photography
- At April 30, 2017
- By farrahwelch
- In newborn, Studio
Look at how much little Luke adores his momma 🙂 And that smile! It’s to die for! It’s my favorite newborn smile to date! This family is so lucky to welcome this little bub.
Best Newborn Photographers in Santa Clarita – 2017 – Expertise
- At April 19, 2017
- By farrahwelch
- In news
Just found out we made the list from Expertise of the best newborn photographers in Santa Clarita! Exciting 🙂